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  • Core aeration and overseeding are imperative for a thick, healthy, weed-free lawn! The suggested frequency is two times per year. The best time to aerate your lawn and overseed is in the spring and the fall.  

  • Core plug aeration (See photos below) pokes a hole in the lawn approximately 1/2' wide. The length of the plug will depend on several factors including moisture content, length of grass at time of service, and soil compaction. Average plug length ranges from 1''-4''. 

  • Water after aeration will more efficiently access the root system of the grass, allowing vital nutrients and water to seep into the soil. This will help the lawn establish a healthier root system. This is extremely vital to maintaining a green, luxurious, and healthy lawn.  

  • Thatch is dead grass that chokes out the healthy grass; usually from cutting the grass too short or not cutting frequently enough. Core aeration is a great form of dethatching, helping lawns to naturally decompose thatch.

  • The benefits of core aeration also include reduced soil compaction. 

  • Creates thousands of "germination chambers" for new grass to grow out of.  

  • Allows fertilizer to work more efficiently.  

  • Grass seed is applied by a spreader; just one of the many benefits of aerating lawns.

  • The seed falls into the holes created by the lawn aeration process and grows out of each hole. Grass will also grow on bare spots of the lawn.  

  • Fills in spots of the lawn that have been damaged by pets and/or insects. 

  • The grass will grow thicker, making it harder for weeds to grow. You'll notice just how big of a difference there is between before and after aeration.

  • Sun and/or shade mix available. We will make a decision depending on how much shade your lawn receives.  

  • Grass seed that we use is specifically formulated for this area and many call it the "Golf Course Mix"  

Fall Overseeding Green Beautiful Lawn.jpg
Wet grass

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Quotes Are Generally Received Within 24-48 Hours

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