D3 Lawn Care provides several Lehigh Valley lawn care services and lawn treatments that aren’t included in a monthly subscription, but could be a strength to your lawn’s success each season. Simply let our turf pros know what you need to be done and we will add it to your monthly charge. It’s easy.
If you can’t stand minor weeds popping up between regular treatments, additional weed management and de-weeding services might be just what you need. The best way to go about deweeding and weed prevention is through proper weed control application. To maintain a proper lawn care schedule, our professional Lehigh Valley weed control specialists apply weed control between May and July, as well as from late September through late October.

Core aeration is one of the most fundamental lawn treatments available. To develop healthy soil, a lawn aerator machine makes finger-sized holes in your yard. By breaking down clay and compacted soils that stunt nutrients, air, and water from reaching the root structure of your lawn, core aeration opens your soil’s ‘pores,’ allowing for the best possible water absorption. Lawn aeration also assists in clearing out thatch. So if you're interested in dethatching your lawn, this will be perfect for you as well. You always want to aerate in the fall. In some cases, early spring aeration might be warranted.

Core aeration and overseeding go hand in hand. Through overseeding, grass seed and lawn fertilizer are spread in the fall to thicken up the turf and prepare for winter. Fall is the best time to plant grass, as it will have plenty of time to grow and develop healthy roots in preparation for winter. The payoff is a healthy, thick, green lawn in the spring.

If requested, we apply insect and grub control products preventatively in the summer. If you wait for bugs to take up residence on your lawn, you will have a much harder time getting rid of them. Chronic patchy spots and wilting turf along with a high bird and mole population are indicators of a grub-infested lawn. Contact our pros today about our insect and grub control options!