D3 Lawn Care

Tips for Keeping Weeds Out of Your Lawn

Weeds are a familiar problem that intrudes on lawns.

If you've been having this problem on your hands year in, year out, your best bet is to stop them from growing in the first place.

Here are proven techniques experts recommend to keep weeds out of your lawn.

Fertilize the right way

Don't just fertilize; do it the right way. How? It's important to apply the proper amount of fertilizer.

Using too little fertilizer will be inadequate for your grasses to grow, allowing weeds to take their place and dominate.

Applying too much fertilizer is also an invitation for certain weeds such as crabgrass to germinate.

Use synthetic weed fabric

Installing synthetic fabrics help suppress the growth of weed while ensuring essential nutrients and water can seep into the ground for plant roots.

They work by blocking out light, starving them of the sunlight they need for growth.

Synthetic barriers also offer additional benefits, including preventing insect invasion and mildew. Some also have erosion control capabilities.

Mulch, mulch, mulch

Mulching has numerous benefits, one of which is that they smother weeds and prevent them from popping up.

Much like synthetic fabrics but a natural alternative, mulch works by preventing sunlight from reaching weeds. To apply mulch, first clear off visible weeds.

Then apply a 2-inches layer of preferably organic mulch, such as shredded bark, so that when it breaks down, it can nourish the soil.

Make sure to leave some inches between the mulch and plant stems and trunk to prevent diseases.

Apply pre-emergent herbicides

Pre-emergent herbicides prevent weeds from taking hold by killing them off as soon as they sprout.

However, they are ineffective against established weeds.

So, before applying the pre-emergent herbicide, clear off visible weeds and then water down the herbicide into the soil.

Use block planting technique

Block planting maximizes planting space, helping to reduce the amount of space weeds have to grow.

An alternative to row planting, block planting also reduces weeds' access to sunlight.

Experts particularly recommend this method when you're planting vegetables or flowers.

Pull weeds often

Weed pulling also works if you have time on your hands.

By removing one weed, you're preventing hundreds and thousands of weed offsprings. So create a weeding schedule and stick to it.

The most effective time for weed pulling is when the soil is moist. You'll be able to pull weeds out easily without leaving the roots in the soil.

Using the simple tips above can save you time and money! If you're too busy to practice these tips or weeds have taken over your lawn, it's best to get expert help now.
